Version 3. Effective Date: 01/06/2025

  1. Purpose:

    The Quality Champions for Life Mentorship Program is designed to offer valuable career guidance through the expertise of volunteers from the pharmaceutical and medical device industries to students in the Quality Science Education Program. This policy aims to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants by clearly outlining expectations for safe practices, acceptable behavior, and professional etiquette.

    Strict adherence to this policy is essential for preserving the integrity and safety of the mentorship experience. All participants, including mentors and mentees, are expected to fully comply with these guidelines to foster a positive and secure environment.

  2. Scope of Policy:

    This Code of Conduct Policy applies to mentors and mentees participating in the Quality Champions for Life mentorship program. It governs interactions during virtual meetings and related communications.

    In-person meetings are unauthorized and are considered out-of-scope for this program.

  3. Professional Conduct:

    Respect and Integrity: Mentors and mentees are expected to maintain a professional demeanor at all times, treat each other with respect and dignity, and communicate with integrity and honesty. Participants are expected to be on time and dress professionally/appropriately.

    Appropriate Language: Mentors and mentees are expected to use appropriate and professional language. Discriminatory, harassing, and inappropriate remarks or language are strictly prohibited and may be grounds for immediate removal from the program.

    Boundaries: Mentors and mentees are expected to respect personal boundaries and maintain a clear focus on the goals of the mentoring relationship.

  4. Privacy and Confidentiality:

    All discussions and communication between mentors and mentees shall be treated by both parties as confidential. Private and personal information shall only be shared at the discretion of each participant, but it is advised that communications remain focused on the professional career guidance that is intended for this program. If private and/or personal information is shared, then each participant is expected to maintain discretion and to respect the privacy of the other party, unless a receiving party feels disclosure to law enforcement or the program director for safety reasons is necessary. Mentors should not disclose confidential company information in violation of any nondisclosure agreements or obligations to which he/she is obligated.

    Participants should not take screen shots, photographs, or video of each other or the conversations, unless agreed upon by each participant.

  5. Program Safety

    In-Person Meeting Prohibition:

    In alignment with our commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of all participants, our mentorship program is strictly a virtual-only program. Any arrangements or scheduling of in-person meetings between mentors and students are not permitted through this program, and therefore, fall outside the scope of this program.

    Risk Assumption:

    Participants who arrange or schedule in-person meetings do so at their own risk. The program assumes no responsibility for the safety, conduct, or outcomes of such unauthorized meetings. For safety reasons, in-person meetings are not advised, even outside of the scope of this program.

    Acknowledgment of Risk:

    If unauthorized in-person meetings are agreed upon by the mentor and mentee, then it is imperative that safety risks associated with this non-compliance to the virtual-only policy are understood. Participants acknowledge and agree that Quality Champions for Life does that conduct background checks of the industry volunteers or students who participate in the program. Risks of in person meetups may include, but are not limited to physical violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, grooming, kidnapping, solicitation for money, or theft.

  6. Reporting and Accountability:

    Incident Reporting: If either party feels uncomfortable, threatened or in danger, or if such party becomes aware of information indicating that the other party may be in danger, then it is advised that the participant contact the appropriate authorities immediately. In order to maintain the integrity of the program, it is requested that participants also report any unacceptable behavior to the program coordinator.

    Termination: Individuals may be removed from the mentorship program, temporarily or permanently, and for any reason, at the sole discretion of Quality Champions for Life.

    Feedback: At the conclusion of the program, each participant will be asked for an evaluation of the program. It is requested that each participant provide constructive feedback on the mentorship experience to help improve the program and address any potential issues.

  7. Agreement:

    In order to participate in the Mentorship Program, both mentors and mentees must agree to the terms in this policy. Participation is not mandatory, therefore:

    Mentees: If you are a student, and do not agree with the terms of this policy, then please contact Melanie Beebe (contact information below) to withdraw from the program.

    Mentors: If you are interested in mentoring, or are a mentor, but do not agree with the terms of this policy, then please either:

    • Prospective Mentors: Do not sign up to become a mentor.

    • Existing Mentors: Contact Melanie Beebe (contact information below) to have your name withdrawn from the Pathway list of possible mentors.

Questions and Concerns: For any questions or concerns about this policy, or to report policy violations, please contact the program coordinator:

Melanie Beebe
Director of Student Affairs
Quality Champions for Life